Project Based Learning Courses
Project-based learning is an approach that teachers can use to readily engage students and apply learning to solve real-world problems. The process, which uses learning opportunities and an inquiry method, includes differentiated student support, collaborative group problem-solving, and professional skill development. Every teacher can and will learn valuable tools from these courses.

Project Based Learning Bundle: The 12 Integral Components of Success
Project based Learning is an approach that teachers can use to readily engage students and apply learning to real-world problems. The process, which uses...

PBL 12: Reflection
If you want a successful project, then you must build in regular, authentic reflection opportunities. This ongoing reflection helps your students sharpen analytical skills,...

PBL 11: Rubrics
The central core to Project Based Learning is rubrics – created in planning, shared at the beginning, referred to throughout, and used at the...

PBL 10: Presentation of Understanding
The projects wrap up as students offer presentations that demonstrate their understanding of the content. These presentations enable students to share their learning, assess...

PBL 9: Professional Skills
Project Based Learning is one of the best educational formats that directly teach professional skills. You will come to understand how to demonstrate and...

PBL 8: Partnerships
Relevance of content and learning beyond the classroom is a must for education to be effective and long-lasting. Project based learning helps create authentic...

PBL 7: Peer Feedback
Good feedback is essential for improvement; however, Project Based Learning incorporates peer feedback seamlessly. This course teaches you how to provide timely peer feedback...

PBL 6: Voice and Choice
When students are heard and given options, their commitment to learning increases significantly. Project Based Learning is a great tool for hearing, choosing, and...

PBL 5: Benchmarks
Everyone wants to know the measures for which they will be compared. This fact is an even more important component in Project Based Learning....

PBL 4: Planning Tools
Project Based Learning is a structured methodology for students to learn together, and this format requires deep planning and multiple tools. Guiding your students...

PBL 3: Scaffolding
Every student needs support to succeed and this becomes even more important in Project Based Learning. You will learn to use appropriate scaffolding to...

PBL 2: Collaboration
An integral part of Project Based Learning is collaboration. You will learn how to create a classroom culture that fosters collaboration, meaning that students...

PBL 1: Project Launch
Creating a dynamic project launch is one of the most important fundamentals to master because it starts everything in your PBL project! A good...
Project Based Learning Courses Coming Soon!

PBL for School Leaders
Clock Hours: 1.0
This course helps school leaders understand PBL and know what to look for in observations
Project Based Learning Free Resources
Video Strategies for Student Projects
This resources shares ideas for teachers to help students improve the video quality of their projects.
Feedback Form
Use this resource to keep track of feedback provided to students and how they used it to improve.
PBL Resources | The Consortium for Public Education