Leadership Courses

Leadership matters. Students excel in schools and classrooms with effective leadership that builds capacity for student learning. Our courses support current leaders as well as aspiring teacher leaders particularly focused on building culture and systems that lead to positive school outcomes.

Professional Development Course Card
0.5 Hours
Leadership Precision: Professional Development
Instructor: Joel Medley

The final course in the Leadership Precision series ties all elements together. Professional Development is the tool for growth across the school community—empowering leaders,...

Observation and Feedback Course Card
0.5 Hours
Leadership Precision: Observation and Feedback
Instructor: Joel Medley

The Leadership Precision series continues with observation and feedback—two critical components of instructional leadership that often get overlooked during busy school years. In this...

Instructional Planning Course Card
0.5 Hours
Leadership Precision: Instructional Planning
Instructor: Joel Medley

The Leadership Precision series begins by challenging the misconception that instructional planning is solely a teacher’s responsibility. In this course, school leaders will understand...

Unlocking Potential Course Card
20.0 Hours
Unlocking Potential: A School Leader’s Guide to Skills Arcade (PLUACLD1325)
Instructor: Joel Medley

This series of lessons, webinars, and activities provides school leaders with an understanding of the gamified, adaptive learning tool known as Skills Arcade. Participants...

Course Card Rigor for Leaders
1.0 Hours
Rigor for School Leaders
Instructor: Joel Medley

This course explores the concept of rigor, debunks common myths, and provides strategies to implement it effectively in schools through the lens of an...

Course Card Pursuing Collaborative Balance 5 Beyond Instruction
1.0 Hours
Pursuing Collaborative Balance 5:  Beyond Instruction
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

The final course in this series moves beyond instruction of pursuing collaborative balance and takes the learner into direct implementation of the five measures....

Course Card Pursuing Collaborative Balance 4 Observation
1.5 Hours
Pursuing Collaborative Balance 4:  Observation
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

The fourth in a multi-course series, this next collaborative balance course culminates prior content by direct application to the observation and feedback process. The...

Course Card Pursuing Collaborative Balance 3 Coaching
1.0 Hours
Pursuing Collaborative Balance 3:  Coaching
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

The third in a multi-course series, this next collaborative balance course focuses on coaching. The learner will understand the coaching cycle, explore a framework,...

Course Card Pursuing Collaborative Balance 2 Communication
1.0 Hours
Pursuing Collaborative Balance 2:  Communication
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

The second in a multi-course series, this next collaborative balance course focuses on communication through transparency and collaboration while making decisions and building relationships....

Course Card Pursuing Collaborative Balance 1 Introduction
0.5 Hours
Pursuing Collaborative Balance 1: Introduction
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

The first in a multi-course series, this collaborative balance course focuses on creating a thriving, educational environment where everyone is valued and respected. The...

Ai Robot for Integration of AI for Leaders
1.0 Hours
AI for Leaders: Integration
Instructor: Joel Medley

Specifically for school leaders, this course offers ideas for change management regarding the use of artificial intelligence in schools. Leaders will practice with a...

Stakeholder Language Product Image
1.0 Hours
Stakeholder Language
Instructor: Veronica Clemons

When you communicate with confidence, stakeholders will fully understand the message you convey.  This course teaches you how to adjust your message to the...

Stakeholder Connection Product Image
1.0 Hours
Stakeholder Connection
Instructor: Veronica Clemons

Connecting stakeholders to the work of the local school is vital to student success. This course helps you identify your critical stakeholders and how...

Stakeholder Cumminication Product Image
1.0 Hours
Stakeholder Communication
Instructor: Veronica Clemons

Each stakeholder performs a significant role in connecting with your school. But who are your stakeholders, and what influences do they have? Enroll in this...

Vision for Leaders Product Image
1.5 Hours
Vision for Leaders
Instructor: Joel Medley

Have you created and implemented a vision that will solidify your organization’s impact? Learn how to identify and create a well-crafted vision that will...

Effective Meetings Product Image
0.5 Hours
Effective Meetings
Instructor: Joel Medley

Gain strategies for leading effective meetings to improve your communication leading to better success and achievement.   Meetings are the rare times when your entire...

School Needs Assessment Product Image
1.0 Hours
School Needs Assessment
Instructor: Tabitha Sekuras

Continuous improvement in schools starts with planning based on a comprehensive needs assessment.  This course provides background to the process, offers exemplars to view,...

Problem Of Practice Product Image
1.0 Hours
Problem of Practice
Instructor: Darren Reed

If you want to promote collaboration and problem-solving with your colleagues, then this course is for you.  The Problem of Practice consultancy protocol offers...

building resiliency in education Product Image
1.0 Hours
Building Resiliency
Instructor: Joel Medley

Before facing extreme circumstances (e.g., a pandemic) or routine changes (e.g., curriculum adoption), school leaders must take steps to build a resilient school culture....

Leadership Courses Coming Soon!

Image Placeholder (coming soon) Course Card

Observation and Feedback

Clock Hours: 1.0

A course that gives leaders ideas and actions to help improve observation dialogue for instructional improvement.

Leadership Free Resources

Stakeholders' Influence Workbook Template

from course: Stakeholder Connection

The full course offers instructions to help you best use the resource.  It will guide you (and others) in considering who your stakeholders are, what they want, and how they can each influence your school.  

Dos and Don'ts of Meetings

from course: Effective Meetings

Effective meetings are important and this course offers strategies, tips, ideas, and templates on how to make that happen.

Check-In Template

Template with sample questions you can use for a check-in.

Sample Coaching Questions

Coaching leverages collective wisdom to prevent impulsive
preferences from undoing the intended purpose.

Observation & Dialogue Tips

Leaders can use this summary as a reminder for scripting, scoring, and dialogue to help with instructional coaching.

The Stride PD wants to save you time! We have curated a list of useful resources that we believe support your professional growth in this focused, learning topic. While we do not own this material, we have included it here so that the Stride PD Center can serve as your “one-stop shop” for continued learning!
Principals and Effective Schools  | The Wallace Foundation
Schools need leaders not managers | Journal of Leadership Education 
Hot topics for school leaders | National Governor’s Association 
Is My School Better Because I Lead It? | School Talk with Principal Kafele
Improving School Leadership Toolkit |  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development