Instructional Practices Courses

Teachers play a vital role in student achievement and have a direct impact on student outcomes. Our Instructional Practices courses support teachers in improving overall effectiveness and delivery of high quality instruction for the students they serve. These courses reflect high priority needs areas related to instructional practices.

AI Guidelines Course Card
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
AI Literacy: Guidelines
Instructor: Megan Eggemeier

Equip students to use AI responsibly and effectively by establishing clear AI Use Guidelines in your classroom. Learn to guide ethical AI practices, foster...

Course Card Rigor for Leaders
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Rigor for Educators
Instructor: Heather Lawrence

This course explores the concept of rigor, debunks common myths, and offers strategies for effective implementation in schools through the lens of a classroom...

Skills Arcade Course Card
Instructional Practice
2.0 Hours
K12 Skills Arcade: The Power of Gamified Learning
Instructor: Nicolette Han

This course equips educators with the tools to maximize K12 Skills Arcade, from customizing curriculum settings to using gamification and real-time data tracking. Learn...

Dynamic Planning Course Card
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
The First Years: Dynamic Planning
Instructor: Heather Lawrence

This course equips teachers with the necessary tools to create a dynamic instructional framework. Using the backward lesson design process, they will learn how...

Course Card Classroom Settings
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
The First Years: Classroom Setting
Instructor: Heather Lawrence

This course provides teachers with practical tools to develop a classroom management plan, improve communication, and foster a positive classroom culture. Teachers will learn...

AI in Education Course Card
Instructional Practice
0.5 Hours
AI in Education
Instructor: Joel Medley

Join Joel Medley as he hosts various education stakeholders for a discussion of AI in schools. You will hear the perspectives of an administrator,...

Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Science of Reading 5: Vocabulary
Instructor: Stride Reading Team

In this course, learners are introduced to best practices for vocabulary acquisition by honing in on actual classroom scenarios to assess reading levels, deepen...

Course Card The First Years Relationships First
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
The First Years: Relationships First
Instructor: Heather Lawrence

This course helps teachers develop essential skills and strategies to create a supportive and effective learning environment. Participants will learn how to build strong...

Course Card Science of Reading 6
Instructional Practice
1.5 Hours
Science of Reading 6: Comprehension
Instructor: Stride Reading Team

In this course, learners are introduced to best practices in reading instruction with a focus on comprehension, aligned to the science of reading as...

The First Years Classroom Assessments
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
The First Years: Classroom Assessments
Instructor: Ashley Owens

This course provides a top-down view of strategically integrating assessments throughout the year by exploring five key types, common implementation challenges, and highlighting effective...

Growth Mindset
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
The First Years: Growth Mindset
Instructor: Kendall Schroeder

Teachers will learn practical strategies for cultivating and maintaining a growth mindset throughout the school year. They will also discover how adopting a growth...

Science of Reading 4 Course Card Image Development
Instructional Practice
1.5 Hours
Science of Reading 4: Fluency
Instructor: Stride Reading Team

In this course, learners are introduced to best practices in reading instruction with a focus on fluency, aligned to the science of reading as...

Game Based Learning Course Card Image Development
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Game-Based Learning
Instructor: Kimberly Ring

This session offers the transformative power of game-based learning. You will learn about various game-based learning elements and be guided through a plan to...

Course Card Data
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
How to Interpret Student Data
Instructor: Kimberly Ring

In this course for teachers, learners will explore the FRAME data cycle for interpreting a collection of quantitative and qualitative data. They will learn...

How to Reflect Image
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
How to Nurture Student Reflection in Class
Instructor: Heather Lawrence

Discover techniques to integrate authentic reflection into teaching practices for enhanced student learning. This course emphasizes cultivating analytical skills, integrating new knowledge with prior...

Image Science of Reading 3
Instructional Practice
2.0 Hours
Science of Reading 3: Phonics
Instructor: Stride Reading Team

In this course, learners are introduced to best practices in reading instruction with a focus on phonics, aligned to the science of reading as...

Course Card Image Effective Research Based Practices
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Webinar: Effective Research-Based Strategies
Instructor: Ashleigh Franco

Educators always want to adopt research-informed practices, but when do you have time to do the research and find strategies that you know will...

Grading Calibration 3_ Research Papers Product Image
Instructional Practice
5.0 Hours
Grading Calibration Bundle: Rubric Use & ELA Applications
Instructor: Belinda Lindeburgh

This five-hour course bundle is specifically focused on middle school and high school ELA teachers as it works to develop a deep understanding of...

Course Card Image Science of Reading 2
Instructional Practice
1.5 Hours
Science of Reading 2: Phonological Awareness
Instructor: Stride Reading Team

In the second course of the Science of Reading series, learners will focus on effective approaches to teaching phonological awareness as outlined by The...

Robot for AI for Educators Practice
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
AI for Educators: Practice
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

After having spent time in the AI Theory course learning about the implications of this technology in the classroom, this course will bring you...

Course Card Image How to Facilitate Student Feedback
Instructional Practice
1.5 Hours
How to Facilitate Student Feedback
Instructor: Heather Lawrence

Peer feedback is a valuable tool that students can use to improve their work and gain a life-long skill of listening with others. This...

Course Card Science of Reading 1
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Science of Reading 1: Foundations
Instructor: Stride Reading Team

Reading is foundational for all content within schools, so this first course in a larger series introduces learners to the best practices of reading...

Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
PP25 Presenter Resource Course
Instructor: Heather Lawrence

This course is for our 2025 Promising Practices presenters. It contains various presentation exemplars, templates, best practices, and opportunities to brainstorm. We look forward...

Ai Robot for Implementation of AI for Educators
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
AI for Educators: Theory
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

This course builds upon the foundation created by the first course in the series – “AI for Educators: Introduction.” Specifically, this course moves the...

Robot Image for Introduction to AI
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
AI for Educators: Introduction
Instructor: Amy Hollis

This course offers an overview of AI in life and then turns to considerations of the classroom. First, the learner will see a brief...

Differentiation Basics for Every Classroom Course Image Product Image
Instructional Practice
0.5 Hours
Differentiation Basics for Every Classroom
Instructor: Meghan Seibert

Have you wondered why differentiation in the classroom is so important?  In this session, you will dive into the basics of differentiation and explore...

Using Nearpod Product Imge
Instructional Practice
0.5 Hours
Using Nearpod to Spark Student Learning with Quick Inquiry
Instructor: Olivia Odileke

This session will demonstrate how to customize Nearpod ready-made lessons to help offer students choice during your small group times. With a focus on...

Empowering Students through Collaborative Problem Solving Product Image
Instructional Practice
0.5 Hours
Empowering Students through Collaborative Problem Solving
Instructor: Katherine Safarik

This session focuses on students working collaboratively in classrooms so that they own their learning.  Using a problem-solving method makes the content come alive. ...

Instructional Practice
5.0 Hours
Virtual Teaching Observation: Secondary [Private]
Instructor: Joel Medley

Recognizing that our ever-changing world needs resilient educators who exhibit passion and bring learning to life daily, this course aids in the preparation of...

Instructional Practice
5.0 Hours
Virtual Teaching Observation: Elementary [Private]
Instructor: Joel Medley

Recognizing that our ever-changing world needs resilient educators who exhibit passion and bring learning to life daily, this course aids in the preparation of...

Targeted Instruction 102 Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours, MPS
Targeted Instruction 102
Instructor: Kathy Kales

Teachers who use targeted instruction promote deeper learning through activities and assessments. This intentional sequencing of rigor results in differentiated instruction. This course examines...

Targeted Instruction 101 Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Targeted Instruction 101
Instructor: Kathy Kales

Targeted Instruction provides teachers an opportunity to scaffold instructional activities to encourage deeper learning. It is about intentionally sequencing rigor levels in a variety...

Your Reading Teacher Philosophy Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Your Reading Teacher Philosophy
Instructor: Brittany Churchill

The idea that reading is fundamental cannot be debated. It is a bedrock concept of education. This course aims to inspire educators on their...

K12 Tutoring Course Card
Instructional Practice
4.0 Hours
K12 Tutoring Training Guide
Instructor: Gila Tuchman

This course provides an overview of the dashboard, tutoring expectations, the online session tool, templates for use, and final thoughts on becoming a K12...

Grading Calibration 5_ Conclusion Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Grading Calibration 5: Conclusion
Instructor: Belinda Lindeburgh

This final course in the Grading Calibration series culminates the learning through a final exercise, comparison with expert opinions, and concluding thoughts. This course...

PBL 4_ Planning Tools Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.5 Hours
Grading Calibration 4: Middle School
Instructor: Belinda Lindeburgh

This fourth of five courses in the Grading Calibration series continues the application of your learning about grading calibration as you score actual papers....

Grading Calibration 3_ Research Papers Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.5 Hours
Grading Calibration 3: Research Papers
Instructor: Belinda Lindeburgh

This third of five courses in the Grading Calibration series continues the application of your learning about grading calibration as you score actual papers....

Grading Calibration 2_ Literary Analysis Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.5 Hours
Grading Calibration 2: Literary Analysis
Instructor: Belinda Lindeburgh

This second of five courses in the Grading Calibration series will provide you with an understanding of what calibration is as you practice scoring...

Grading Calibration 1_ Inclusion Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Grading Calibration 1: Introduction
Instructor: Belinda Lindeburgh

This first of five courses in the Grading Calibration series will provide you with foundational knowledge about what calibration is, why it is important,...

How to Scaffold Product Image
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
How to Scaffold
Instructor: Joel Medley

Appropriate use of scaffolding to support student learning is a vital strategy in the classroom as it promotes a student’s individual, academic growth. This...

Edutainment Course Card
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
Classroom Edutainment
Instructor: Heather Alfaro

Do the facial expressions of your students indicate a disconnect with the lesson? Have they said they are bored in class? One possible solution...

Instructional Practices Courses Coming Soon!

Image Placeholder (coming soon) Course Card
Instructional Practices

The Science of Reading Series

Clock Hours: 1.0

This series will discuss the science of reading and offer real-world opportunities for application of reading principles.


Image Placeholder (coming soon) Course Card
Instructional Practices

New Teacher series

Clock Hours: 1.0

This 6 part series is designed to prepare new teachers over the summer for that 1st day of school.

Instructional Practices Free Resources

Positive Note

from course: The First Years: Relationships First

What gets appreciated gets replicated!  Teachers can reinforce positive behavior through simple note to students and parents.  Check out this template.

AI Ideas for Schools & Classrooms

A 9 page document with ideas around AI for teachers and leaders to consider for implementation.  This includes videos and exercises for you to experiment with the tools for personal practice.

Teacher & Leader Responses to Student Trauma

A list of supportive responses for students facing trauma – from the whole-school (leader) and individual class (teacher) level.

Game-based Learning Resources

Ideas and links to help you seamlessly infuse game-based learning into your classrooms.

Teaching with imPACT Resource

Use this guide to see what Passion, Accountability, Courage, and Trust look like in schools.

Holistic Rubric Best Practices

Far too often, we struggle with rubric implementation. Here is a detailed two-page document that helps by explaining holistic rubrics, offering an exemplar, and taking your thinking deeper than before.

50 Easy Student Rewards

Teachers use rewards regularly as part of a classroom management plan, so here is a template that you can use for your elementary students.

Simple Math Lesson Plan Template

If you are looking for a lesson plan template to teach math content, here is a sample for you. Download, complete, and use!

Backward Lesson Design Template

This template coincides with our blog focusing on Backward Lesson Design.

New Teacher Tips

Ten simple tips to get you off to a GREAT start in your 1st classroom

AI Examples for the Classroom

Five ways to change a traditional task to use AI within the assignment. 

Professional Development Planning Frame

This simple tool guides you in creating a plan for your own personal or professional learning.

AI Resources for Educators

From Promising Practices 24, this resource shares prompting tips for generative AI, ideas on how to implement the tools, and a few “do” and “don’t” tips.

The Stride PD wants to save you time! We have curated a list of useful resources that we believe support your professional growth in this focused, learning topic. While we do not own this material, we have included it here so that the Stride PD Center can serve as your “one-stop shop” for continued learning!
Best of STEM Strategies | Project Learning Tree
Advice from veteran teachers | Teacher Vision 
Research based teaching practices | Institute of Education Sciences
Making math fun and rigorous | Teaching Channel  
11 Effective ELL Strategies | University of San Diego
Constitution 101 (HS level) | National Constitution Center
Effective Classroom Management | Waterford Teachers’ Centre