Promising Practices Conference 2025

Promising Practices is a large, annual digital conference that drew almost 6,000 attendees last year. This year, the event will be held on February 28, 2025, from 11 am until 5 pm EST. Every session will shift into an on-demand format available throughout March, giving you additional time to view and complete this requirement.

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Exclusive Offer

An exclusive Skills Arcade session is offered to Alabama PLU participants. It will address challenges schools may face when implementing this gamification tool for student benefit. During the session, you will identify common obstacles and explore strategies for successful integration, leaving you with actionable insights and resources to facilitate a smoother integration process in your own settings.

To register for Promising Practices and attend this exclusive session at no cost, use the code ALPLU25.

An additional session, Level Up Learning: Enhancing Skill Mastery with Gamified Learning is available for all PP25 attendees. Its focus is providing additional information about Skills Arcade and its implementation in schools. This session will dig deep into the updates to the tool and what that means for teachers using the tool – whether they are new implementers or veteran users of the engaging platform

Once you have registered for the conference and attended the exclusive Skills Arcade session, mark this lesson complete.