Student and School Culture Courses

School and classroom culture are important aspects for improving student performance.  Strategies to improve individual classroom and whole-school culture are provided to help you where you are within the school. When culture and strong instruction are matched together, the result is academic achievement.   

Mentorship Instruction Course Card
School Culture
1.0 Hours
Academic Mentorship: Instruction
Instructor: Casey Rudzena

This course explores and defines the expectations and responsibilities of an academic mentor and their role in the instructional revision cycle. In this course,...

Mentorship Listening Course Card
School Culture
1.0 Hours
Academic Mentorship: Listening
Instructor: Casey Rudzena

This course explores the power of listening in mentorship. By applying five types of listening and three practical techniques, you will learn to build...

Online Classroom Bullying Course Card
School Culture
1.0 Hours
Addressing Bullying in the Online Classroom
Instructor: Joel Medley

This one-hour course focuses on the online classroom as it examines bullying with a lens on the victim, bully, and bystanders. Statistics are provided...

Academic Mentorship Basics Course Card
School Culture
1.0 Hours
Academic Mentorship: Basics
Instructor: Joel Medley

Mentors who give their best invest in their personal and professional growth while contributing to their mentees’ success. This course will equip you with...

Beat the Burnout Course Card Image
School Culture
1.0 Hours
Beat the Burnout
Instructor: Sherita Wells

This course is designed to support K-12 educators experiencing workplace-related chronic stress and its effects. Learners will explore the definition, causes, and effects of...

Course Card DeEscalation
School Culture
1.0 Hours
Instructor: Pamela Sieger

This course will empower you to rethink your perspective on de-escalation. It will teach you best practices for preventing escalation in your classroom, and...

CHAIR Method Image
School Culture
0.5 Hours
The CHAIR Method: Self-Leadership
Instructor: Joel Medley

This session tackles an issue that teachers face far too often – focusing on others while neglecting themselves. We will move through a definition...

School Culture, Student Support
0.5 Hours
Instructor: Joel Medley

This half-hour course focuses only on this type of bullying as it is the fastest-growing bullying form. It clarifies the definition, explains reasons for...

School Culture, Student Support
1.0 Hours
A Holistic Approach to Prevent Bullying
Instructor: Joel Medley

This one-hour course moves through bullying with a lens on the victim, bully, and bystanders. Statistics are provided to show a school’s responsibility before...

Classroom Culture 4_ Positivity Product Image
School Culture
0.5 Hours
Classroom Culture 4: Positivity
Instructor: Joel Medley

This final, of a four-part series on classroom culture, looks at positivity. A positive classroom culture is a helpful and nurturing classroom culture. Five...

Classroom Culture 3_ Presence Product Image
School Culture
0.5 Hours
Classroom Culture 3: Presence
Instructor: Joel Medley

This third, of a four part series on classroom culture, looks at presence. A teacher’s classroom presence is based upon their philosophy and passion....

classroom culture 2 Product Image
School Culture
0.5 Hours
Classroom Culture 2: Passion
Instructor: Joel Medley

This second, of a four part series on classroom culture, looks at passion. Your passion and enthusiasm in the classroom is contagious. We will...

Classroom Culture 1_ Passion Product Image
School Culture
0.5 Hours
Classroom Culture 1: Purpose
Instructor: Joel Medley

This first, of a four part series on classroom culture, looks at purpose. Your teaching philosophy is the foundation for a good classroom culture....

Reframing an Existing School's Culture Product Image
School Culture
3.0 Hours
Reframing an Existing School’s Culture
Instructor: Joel Medley

Do you think that your school culture could be stronger? If so, then this course is for you. Follow the story of an experienced...

Student & School Culture Courses Coming Soon!

Image Placeholder (coming soon) Course Card
Student and School Culture

SEL for Teachers

Clock Hours: 1.0

When we say SEL, the immediate thought is students; however, we need to ensure teachers are considered as well.

Student & School Culture Free Resources

ACT Card for Culture Improvement

from course: Reframing an Existing School’s Culture

The resource itself comes from a short-story about two school leaders facing the challenges of transforming school culture, and it can be used for either a classroom or the full school.

Student Goal Planner

A simple one-page document that can be used by students to create goals – both short and long term.

Building Student Relationships

From Promising Practices 24, this document is a simple one-pager to help you think about authenticity and clarity in the classroom relationships. 

The Stride PD wants to save you time! We have curated a list of useful resources that we believe support your professional growth in this focused, learning topic. While we do not own this material, we have included it here so that the Stride PD Center can serve as your “one-stop shop” for continued learning!