Diversity and Inclusion Courses
Leveraging student diversity and creating an atmosphere of inclusion yields better student outcomes. Our Diversity & Inclusion courses offer practical strategies for teachers to build healthy and inclusive classrooms where all students thrive. Additionally, we have included Stride’s comprehensive “One Voice” curriculum that provides teachers with free access to Diversity & Inclusion lesson plans and resources (grades K-12) that use history as a conversation starter. (Jump to One Voice)
The First Years: Inclusive Education
Teachers will learn how to create an inclusive environment that ensures accessible learning opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities or differences. They...
Equity in Education
Join Darren Reed and education experts for a deep dive into equity in schools. Learn teaching strategies, consider the impact of bias, and conduct...
One Voice: History for Modern Society
The One Voice curriculum, available online and tuition-free, allows everyone to engage with lessons on diversity, equity, civil rights, social justice, and other critical...
An Educator’s Guide to Anti-Racism
This course by Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins empowers teachers and school leaders to examine biases and learn what it takes to become an equity-minded...
Culturally Responsive Instruction 1.4
What is Culturally Response Instruction? A more diverse curriculum in schools has been shown to increase student achievement, provide students with a more well-rounded...
Culturally Responsive Instruction 1.3
What is Culturally Response Instruction? This course reviews how teachers celebrate and respect students’ cultural and learning differences. Remember, you cannot grow students unless...
Culturally Responsive Instruction 1.2
What is Culturally Response Instruction? After this course, you will walk away with ideas to improve your lessons and maximize the student cultures in...
Culturally Responsive Instruction 1.1
What is Culturally Response Instruction? No matter how you view cultural responsiveness now, it starts in your heart and mind. When you know where...
Diversity & Inclusion Courses Coming Soon!
One Voice: Equity and Justice for All
Clock Hours: 1.0
This course introduces you to the free One Voice curriculum and its resources while showing you how to implement it.
Diversity & Inclusion Free Resources
OneVoice Strategies
Ice breakers, conversation starters, and engagement strategies to use with the One Voice curriculum