Ten Tips for New Teachers – the Last 5!

Hey, brand new teachers, this is for you! We’ve got a top ten list of strategies to help you succeed. Here’s a recap: (1) preparation, (2) relationships, (3) communication, (4) disagreement v disrespect, and (5) expectations.

Let’s finish this list by going through the final five.  Now, keep reading all the way through as there is a free, downloadable resource at the end.  We hope you find this beneficial.  

Last Five [5] Tips

6. Facial Expressions: You need to be cognizant of and controlling of your facial expressions. When things are not going well, keep your “poker face” intact. What do I mean? We live in a social media heavy world where we may unknowingly roll our eyes at a screen – that should never happen with others. For your students, always make sure you have a smile for them – even when you are struggling. This short video gives you a perfect example.

7. Templates: As you plan family communication or newsletters, create a single template for each and then use it! This process may take a little time up-front, but it will save you a lot of time later. It also creates consistency for your students and families as they get into the habit of recognizing what you have sent to them just by its format.

8. Teachability: Resist the urge to think that you “know it all” because of how student teaching went. What you learned at university will help, but the real learning takes place when students are in your room and completely your responsibility. If you see something is not working, then adapt. It really is that simple.

9. Small Things: Address things when they are small issues to prevent them from becoming larger ones. This statement is self-explanatory but, unfortunately, not common practice. Have the courage to offer early intervention for identified issues.

10. Ask: Turn to veteran teachers at your school and ask them to give you their 3 best tips for new teachers. Do this with several teachers before school starts. Then, find other milestones during the year and repeat with different teachers – end of the first grading period, around the holidays, start of the next calendar year, etc. Make sure you collect and keep them all so you can, in turn, share with new teachers next year.

Those are the ten tips for you to get off to a strong start. We have a one-page document that summarizes them all, so print it out and have it on your desk (or on your desktop) for constant reference. Most importantly, have a wonderful school year!

Want to keep all of those tips in one place? Here is a FREE Resource for you!

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