Stride PD Courses

All courses in the Stride PD library are developed by subject matter experts and grounded in research-based practices.  Our course content is mapped to effective practices and standards within Stride’s Effective Teaching Dimensions and Leadership Excellence Framework as well as aligned to Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and The International Society for Technology in Education  (ISTE) learning competencies.  Our instructional design team has extensive teaching experience and partners with subject matter experts to transform all content into authentic and relevant course experiences.

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Online Teaching
1.0 Hours
A Day In The Life Of An Online Teacher
Instructor: Joel Medley

Ever wonder what online teachers actually do all day? This video, mini-course will answer that question and provide you with...

School Culture, Student Support
1.0 Hours
A Holistic Approach to Prevent Bullying
Instructor: Joel Medley

This one-hour course moves through bullying with a lens on the victim, bully, and bystanders. Statistics are provided to show...

Robot Image for Introduction to AI
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
AI for Educators: Introduction
Instructor: Amy Hollis

This course offers an overview of AI in life and then turns to considerations of the classroom. First, the learner...

Robot for AI for Educators Practice
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
AI for Educators: Practice
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

After having spent time in the AI Theory course learning about the implications of this technology in the classroom, this...

Ai Robot for Implementation of AI for Educators
Instructional Practice
1.0 Hours
AI for Educators: Theory
Instructor: Iman.Alattar

This course builds upon the foundation created by the first course in the series – “AI for Educators: Introduction.” Specifically,...

Ai Robot for Integration of AI for Leaders
1.0 Hours
AI for Leaders: Integration
Instructor: Joel Medley

Specifically for school leaders, this course offers ideas for change management regarding the use of artificial intelligence in schools. Leaders...

AI in Education Course Card
Instructional Practice
0.5 Hours
AI in Education
Instructor: Joel Medley

Join Joel Medley as he hosts various education stakeholders for a discussion of AI in schools. You will hear the...

Course Card Image for Anti-Racism
Diversity & Inclusion
1.0 Hours
An Educator’s Guide to Anti-Racism
Instructor: Sheldon Eakins

This course by Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins empowers teachers and school leaders to examine biases and learn what it takes...

Beat the Burnout Course Card Image
School Culture
1.0 Hours
Beat the Burnout
Instructor: Matt Hoppe

This course is designed to support K-12 educators experiencing workplace-related chronic stress and its effects. Learners will explore the definition,...

building resiliency in education Product Image
1.0 Hours
Building Resiliency | Leadership
Instructor: Joel Medley

Before facing extreme circumstances (e.g., a pandemic) or routine changes (e.g., curriculum adoption), school leaders must take steps to build...

Classroom Culture 1_ Passion Product Image
School Culture
0.5 Hours
Classroom Culture 1: Purpose
Instructor: Joel Medley

This first, of a four part series on classroom culture, looks at purpose. Your teaching philosophy is the foundation for...

classroom culture 2 Product Image
School Culture
0.5 Hours
Classroom Culture 2: Passion
Instructor: Joel Medley

This second, of a four part series on classroom culture, looks at passion. Your passion and enthusiasm in the classroom...